
Wednesday 19 June 2024

Too Late (2021) | IN HINDI

Too Late (2021) | IN HINDI

 "Too Late" (2021) is a horror-comedy film directed by D.W. Thomas. The story centers around Violet Fields (played by Alyssa Limperis), a stand-up comedy booker in Los Angeles who works for a manipulative and predatory boss, Bob Devore (Ron Lynch). Bob is not just a demanding boss; he is a literal monster who consumes stand-up comedians to maintain his strength and power.Violet is trapped in this toxic work environment, aware of Bob's dark secret but feeling powerless to escape due to the fear of losing her job and possibly her life. As she navigates the cutthroat world of stand-up comedy, she forms relationships with various comedians, including Jimmy Rhodes (Will Weldon), who becomes a potential victim of Bob's insatiable hunger.The film combines elements of dark humor and horror, using the cutthroat comedy scene as a backdrop to explore themes of exploitation, ambition, and survival. Violet's journey involves finding the courage to confront her fears and take a stand against Bob's monstrous reign.


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