
Monday 24 June 2024

Poltergeist (1982) | IN HINDI

Poltergeist (1982) | IN HINDI

"Poltergeist" (1982) is a supernatural horror film directed by Tobe Hooper and produced by Steven Spielberg. The story centers around the Freeling family, who live in a suburban home in California. The family consists of parents Steve and Diane, and their three children, Dana, Robbie, and Carol Anne.Strange and unsettling events begin to occur in the Freeling home, starting with minor disturbances like furniture moving on its own. The youngest daughter, Carol Anne, starts communicating with supernatural entities through the static on the television. These entities, initially appearing harmless, soon reveal their sinister nature by abducting Carol Anne into a parallel dimension.Desperate to rescue their daughter, the Freelings enlist the help of parapsychologists and a spiritual medium named Tangina Barrons. Together, they uncover that the house is built on a burial ground, and the restless spirits are seeking to reclaim their space. The spirits are led by a malevolent presence known as "The Beast," which holds Carol Anne captive.The film climaxes with a dramatic and chaotic rescue attempt, which ultimately leads to the family fleeing their home as it is consumed by supernatural forces. The film explores themes of family, fear, and the unknown, and is renowned for its special effects and terrifying sequences.


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