7 Below (2012) | IN HINDI
"7 Below" is a 2012 supernatural thriller film directed by Kevin Carraway. The story follows a group of strangers who are stranded in a remote location after their bus crashes during a storm. They are taken in by a mysterious man named Jack, who offers them shelter in his secluded house.As the group spends the night in the house, they begin to experience strange and terrifying events. It is revealed that the house has a dark history involving a gruesome murder that occurred exactly 100 years ago. The spirits of the victims haunt the property, seeking revenge on anyone who enters.The group must uncover the secrets of the house and find a way to survive the supernatural forces that are determined to keep them trapped. The film stars Val Kilmer, Ving Rhames, and Luke Goss, among others. The narrative blends elements of horror and suspense, creating an eerie atmosphere as the characters confront their worst fears and the house's malevolent spirits.
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