Migration" is an animated comedy film by Illumination Entertainment that follows the Mallard family on an adventurous journey. The father, Mack, is hesitant to leave their New England home, while the mother, Pam, is eager to explore. Their kids, Dax and Gwen, are excited about the trip, which takes them from their home pond to New York City and eventually to Jamaica .
Along the way, they face numerous challenges, including adverse weather and encounters with other animals, leading to humorous and heartwarming moments. The journey tests their bravery and family bonds, ultimately helping them grow closer and learn more about each other
.The voice cast features Kumail Nanjiani as Mack, Elizabeth Banks as Pam, Danny DeVito as Uncle Dan, Awkwafina as a New York pigeon, and Keegan-Michael Key as a Jamaican parrot.
Directed by Benjamin Renner and written by Mike White, the film aims to combine humor appealing to both kids and adults, without resorting to "lazy jokes"
."Migration" was released on December 22, 2023, positioning itself as a family-friendly holiday film
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