Insidious is a 2010 supernatural horror film directed by James Wan and written by Leigh Whannell. The film stars Patrick Wilson, Rose Byrne, and Barbara Hershey. It follows a couple whose son inexplicably falls into a coma and becomes a vessel for ghosts in an astral dimension. Here's a brief overview of the plot and key details:Plot Summary:The story revolves around Josh and Renai Lambert and their son, Dalton. After moving into a new home, Dalton falls into a mysterious coma. Unexplained phenomena start to occur in the house, leading the family to seek help from a psychic, Elise Rainier. Elise reveals that Dalton is not in a coma but is trapped in a realm called "The Further," where malevolent spirits attempt to use his body to return to the physical world. The film follows Josh's journey into The Further to rescue his son and the terrifying encounters they face.Key Cast:Patrick Wilson as Josh LambertRose Byrne as Renai LambertTy Simpkins as Dalton LambertLin Shaye as Elise RainierBarbara Hershey as Lorraine Lambert
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